Fraud Mgt Professional - FMB214 | SecuRetain

Fraud Mgt Professional - FMB214

List of Courses

  1. Fraud Management Part I - FR00101
  2. Fraud Management Part II - FR00102
  3. Fraud Management Part III - FR00103
  4. Fraud Management Part IV - FR00104
  5. Fraud Management Part V - FR00105
  6. Fraud Management Part VI A - FR00106
  7. Fraud Management Part VI B - FR00107
  8. Fraud Management Part VII - FR00108
  9. Fraud Management Part VIII - FR00109


1. Awareness – Refer to Awareness Bundle 1

2. Awareness + – Refer to Awareness + Bundle 2

3. Advanced – Refer to Advanced Bundle 3

4. The course Fraud Management Part VIA and VI B include case studies to explain the fraud under each classification, category, subcategory, and fraud scheme within Fraud Tree. The elaborate examples of fraud and the knowledge of fraud prevention techniques for each fraud scheme provide the learner with very detailed knowledge to implement the fraud prevention programs. 

5. The course Fraud Part VII will help you understand the fraud perpetrator characteristics, how to identify fraud in an organization, what are the red flags, and how to identify them. You will learn to categorize the red flags, rank red flags per fraud triangle components and fraud tree, how to identify corruption red flags, and detect corruption fraud.

6. The course Fraud Part VIII includes detailed case studies and prevention techniques for each fraud area of Asset Misappropriation described in the fraud triangle: Theft of Cash on Hand, Theft of Cash Receipts, 

Billing Schemes, Payroll Schemes, Expense Reimbursement Schemes, Check Tampering, Register Disbursements, Misuse, and Larceny. 


Price: 320
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