Vulnerability Mgt Recovery TPRM Professional - VMPD5014 | SecuRetain

Vulnerability Mgt Recovery TPRM Professional - VMPD5014

List of Courses

  1. Prevention, Detection, and Recovery from Cyberattacks Part I - CS01101
  2. Prevention, Detection, and Recovery from Cyberattacks Part II - CS01102
  3. Prevention, Detection, and Recovery from Cyberattacks Part III - CS01103
  4. Vendor Risk Management Awareness Part I - RM00101
  5. Vendor Risk Management Framework Development Part II - RM00102
  6. Prevention, Detection, and Recovery from Cyberattacks Part IV - CS01104


1. Awareness – Refer to Awareness Bundle 1

2. Awareness + – Refer to Awareness + Bundle 2

3. Advanced – Refer to Advanced Bundle 3

4. The use of third-party services has become a valuable business practice in virtually every industry these days. Outsourced services introduce an element of risk as vendors could have access to sensitive customer data, which elevates the cybersecurity threat, or vendor services can directly impact corporate objectives.

5. The organization should formulate explicit third-party risk management (TPRM) framework, including a clear definition of ownership and governance, standardized workflows, and articulation of risk appetite in respect of third parties, which aims at creating alignment among the internal stakeholders. The TPRM course is in two parts. Part II provides knowledge of the TPRM frameworks and how to build and implement a TPRM framework. The course includes a knowledge test as users progresses through the training.

Price: 320
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